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The small coastal town of Whitby is located in North Yorkshire, England. It has been associated with fossils for hundreds of years. From the common ammonites to the spectacular marine reptiles, a variety of fossils is waiting to be discovered. This book will help you to identify, understand and learn about the fossils encountered while fossil hunting along this stretch of coastline, bringing prehistoric Whitby back to life. It is illustrated in colour throughout with many photographs of fossil specimens held in museum and private collections, in addition to detailed reconstructions of what some of the extinct organisms may have looked like in life. As well as the more common species, there are also sections on remarkable finds, such as giant plesiosaurs, marine crocodiles and even pterosaurs. The book provides information on access to the sites, how to identify true fossils from pseudo fossils and even explains the best way of extracting and preparing fossils that may be encountered. This guide will be of use to both the experienced fossil collector and the absolute beginner. Take a step back in time at Whitby and see what animals once thrived here during the Jurassic Period. Photography by Benjamin Hyde and illustrations by Nobumichi Tamura.


Siri Scientific Press (2011)

132 pp 210 x 150 mm soft cover

200+ colour photos/illustrations

ISBN: 978-0-9567795-0-2

Fossils of the Whitby Coast: A Photographic Guide

SKU: 978-0-9567795-0-2
€ 20,00Price
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    Trilobite Design Italia NON vende fossili Italiani.

    In Italia è vietato il commercio e la vendita di fossili provenienti dal territorio dello Stato in quanto ritenuti beni culturali e rientranti nei beni tutelati dalla normativa n.1089 dd 1 Giugno 1939 e la nostra azienda NON commercia questi campioni. La presente ditta TDI di Gianpaolo Di Silvestro esclude nella totalità qualsiasi campione fossile d’origine paleo-antropologica. In accordo con la legge Italiana tutti i fossili sono importati ed esportati regolarmente.

    Tutti i prezzi del sito sono da intendersi IVA compresa la fattura commerciale sarà allegata alla merce spedita

    All prices are VAT included

    Trilobite Design Italia and Scientificmodels are website made by Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS  ITALY P.I 01265210326

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