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GLS-PRO is a liquid rubber, which vulcanizes cold by means of a polyaddition reaction, to be used for casting. It is the most user-friendly alternative to the GLS-20. It has a medium viscosity and it is able to penetrate everywhere and reproduce every detail. It is suitable to build molds, of small and medium objects also very detailed and with strong under-squares, such as figures, statuettes, bas-reliefs, candles, etc., but can also be brought in gel phase with GSA TIXOTROPIZING AGENT to be applied with a brush or spatula. With some tricks you can also make bivalve or cavity molds, to reproduce objects of a more complex or larger structure. If useful, request the brochure for molds made of silicon rubber. This type of rubber has a medium pot-life (60 'at 25 ° C) but a low viscosity, and this allows the total outflow of the incorporated air. The demoulding can be carried out after about 15 hours at 25 ° C. The ease of use is given by the ratio 1: 1 in volume but it is necessary to remember that the GLS-PRO can not be poured directly on some materials to prevent the catalysis be inhibited.




click here for data sheet

Silicon Rubber GLS-PRO 30 40 50 A+B 1kg

SKU: GS410k5
€ 49,90Price
  • Viscosità (mPa.sec a 25°C):

    7.000±2000 (20) 9.000±2000 (30) 12.000±2000 (40) 16.000±2500 (50)
    peso specifico 1,05 (20)1,04 (10) 1,05 (20) 1,12 (30) 1,14 (40) 1,16 (50)
    Temperatura ottimale stoccaggio (°C) 18- 25

    Rapporto base/indurente 100/100 peso/peso

    Pot-life a 25°C: 60 minuti

    Tempo di presa a 25°C: 6 ore

    Tempo di sformatura a 25°C: 15 ore.




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