....Joe Moysiuk Gianpaolo - it's a great reconstruction, nice to see the whole environment represented! 📷:) We considered a 'snowshoe' configuration for Haplophrentis, but if the helens were splayed out on the sediment they would have projected down into the mud because of their curvature. This wouldn't be ideal for structures playing a role in support on soft sediment, and it isn't consistent with our other observations (angles of preservation, presence of epibionts). Of course, we can't rule out other hyolithid species having had somewhat differing helen morphology and function.
....Joe Moysiuk Gianpaolo - it's a great reconstruction, nice to see the whole environment represented! 📷:) We considered a 'snowshoe' configuration for Haplophrentis, but if the helens were splayed out on the sediment they would have projected down into the mud because of their curvature. This wouldn't be ideal for structures playing a role in support on soft sediment, and it isn't consistent with our other observations (angles of preservation, presence of epibionts). Of course, we can't rule out other hyolithid species having had somewhat differing helen morphology and function.